About Us
Welcome to Bitmap Bulgaria
We are a team. Because we love making GIS.
Who Are We
Bitmap Bulgaria is established in 2010 by few GIS enthusiasts, who wanted to build quality GIS services spot on Bulgarian market. We think, that we succeeded and today – in 2023 we have enough experience and successful projects to stay stable as one of the most innovative GIS companies in Bulgaria. We are certified under ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2022
Our Mission
Our mission is to make quality information systems, manipulating spatial data. We are convinced, that the evolution of GIS leads the development of technology to computer browsers and we strive to develop the web GIS concept. In 2022 we launched our first WebGIS product: WebMAP- modern and fast system for regional development and public registry on municipality level.
What We Do
- Geodata
- Assets management
- Mapping
- Consulting
- Support&Education
Our 6-D Process
Sometimes to find the problem depends on the point of view. You can take a look from the sky or investigate the spectral imprint of the territory.
When the problem is found, we define its parameters. Could be three or four, or thousands, depends of the complexity of the problem. After that we are going to next step.
After the preparation, we design the GIS (data, rules, relations and topology) model, capable to resolve the problem.
To run the model is not enough just to start some calculation. Usually we need different scenarios and different combinations of parameters to check the model behavior. So, we just make all this possible in custom developed environments.
If the model behavior gives us answers of our questions, it’s time for deploy the solution to client side and to adjust it to the needs.
Final delivery usually is completed with adequate education for correct using the results. And after that to support the client for getting all advantages of our efforts.
Why Choose Us?
Can resolve any spatial problem and deliver high precision Geo data sets for almost every real or virtual object in Bulgaria.
Petya Boneva (@petita), Damyan Myashkov (@jjmyashy)
Ivan Myashkov (@johnny_jj_cash)
Ivan Ugrin (@Ogrin), Nikolay Vassilev (@Coder.Servoper), Anton Sotirov (@antonymous-a)
Ivan Myashkov (@johnny_jj_cash), Petya Boneva (@petita), Svetla Bozvelieva (@Svetla)
Some Numbers
For the past ten years we have reached:
Satisfied Clients
Projects Completed
Accolades Earned
GIS ecosystems developed

Bitmap Bulgaria is a trademark of Bitmap Ltd.
All rights reserved.
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Get In Touch
- Sofia 1582, z.k. Druzhba bl. 291
- office@bitmap-bulgaria.com
- +359 879 431 156